April Arcade

Mathematical Interactivities

Pick Discs Click on the discs to beat the computer, the last one to click on a disc wins!

Projectile Fire the cannon to hit the target - trial and error fun!

TableTimes Simple multiplication quiz, see how quickly you can answer 10 questions in a row correctly.

Sequences Work out the 4th, 5th, 10th, 20th and nth terms in a number sequence.

Angle Estimator Decide which angle is the same as the one drawn by the computer.

Shade Shade in the correct number of regions to equal the fraction given.

Switch Put the sequence of decimal numbers into ascending order by switching them round.

Pie Test Estimate the size of the sector of the pie chart which has been shaded yellow.

Fraction Switch Put the sequence of fractions into ascending order by switching them round.

Up to One Find the fraction, which, when added to the two shown, will bring their total to one whole.

Equivalent Fractions Enter the correct numbers into the boxes to make a series of equivalent fractions.

3D Boxes Calculate how many cubes you need to make the different 3D shapes shown.

Scales Calculate how many cubes you need to make the different 3D shapes shown.

Build a Bug Speed arithmetic on the four rules of number - correct answers result in different bits of a bug being put together.

Sock Push the green blocks into the holes to make the target number.

Substitution Evaluate the expression by substituting numbers for letters.

Number Maze Move around the maze picking up numbers and signs to make a total of 100.

Mathematical Hangman Test your knowledge of common arithmetic terms with this hangman game.

The Arithmetic Arcade @ Sums4Fun.com (C) David Hellam